




GE 智能平台 GEIP_PCIE VPX_软件解决方案

GE 智能平台 GEIP_PCIE VPX_软件解决方案

2010/5/1 9:20:00

夏洛茨维尔市,弗吉尼亚州 2010年4月7日讯-GE智能平台日前宣布即将推出一项新型软件功能,用于解决军事和航空客户的问题,便于他们使用VPX架构进行PCI Express™点对点连接。以前,客户需要“手动制作”解决方案,导致对项目成本和上市时间产生影响。这一新型功能将促进使用VPX系统并极其方便地将现有平台迁移至VPX。


VPX架构可使用大量的高速交换串联结构,如千兆以太网、Serial RapidIO™和PCI Express,使系统的各种硬件要素实现高速互连。尽管可使用网络协议栈(TCP/IP)实现与千兆以太网的点对点连接,但要与PCI Express实现类似连接却难上加难。GE的软件解决方案无需使用太多的系统资源,从而不会导致CPU成本或网络协议栈(如TCP/IP)的性能限制;性能匹配支持硬件的raw DMA能力。


对许多系统集成商来说,尤其是在他们的系统实施多个串联交换结构或只能选择PCI Express结构进行数据层通信的情况下使用3U VPX,这个新型GE软件功能将向他们证明自身的价值。目前为止,希望利用VPX固有性能、可扩展性、灵活性和功能性并要求解决方案具备PCI Express点对点连接的客户别无选择,只能创建定制解决方案,从而导致生产效力降低并随着技术发展可能需要长期的支持。


GE智能平台的军事和航空部门总经理Peter Cavill说:“上市时间和管理成本是我们大多数客户最关心的问题。这个新型软件功能解决了这些问题。它提供了高度灵活的连接解决方案并便于系统集成,同时最大程度地降低了开发时间和成本。而且,通过其更加长远的路线图来看,可适应当前和未来的硬件和软件技术,从而保障我们的客户具备长期的可持续竞争优势。”


点对点运行可将VME 或 CompactPCI等母板的现有运行节点移植到连接PCI Express的VPX具体实施中,进一步简化系统集成。PCI Express主要针对由单一根节点控制大量主/备外围终点的架构。PCI Express点对点连接可使系统中的所有卡平等参与共有的数据活动,提高系统灵活性和性能。


初步解决方案即将用于几种使用VxWorks®的GE VPX单板计算机;路线图包含Linux®支持和更丰富的拓扑和支持硬件。


GE Software Solution Reduces Cost, Increases Productivity, and Shortens Time to Adopt PCI Express™ based VPX Based Systems,


Innovative peer-to-peer software eases challenges of migration to VPX from legacy architectures


CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA   April 7, 2010    GE Intelligent Platforms today announced immediate availability of an innovative software capability that addresses a problem faced by military and aerospace customers who want to implement PCI Express™ peer-to-peer connectivity using the VPX architecture.  Previously, customers were required to “hand-craft” a solution, with consequent impact on program cost and time to market. This capability will accelerate the adoption of VPX and enable existing platforms to migrate to it with greater ease.


The VPX architecture makes extensive use of high speed switched serial fabrics such as Gigabit Ethernet, Serial RapidIO™ and PCI Express to create high speed interconnects between the various hardware elements of a system.  While peer-to-peer connectivity is possible with Gigabit Ethernet through the use of a network stack (TCP/IP), the problem with achieving similar connectivity with PCI Express has been significantly more challenging.  GE’s software solution requires minimal system resources, imposing neither the CPU overhead nor performance limitations of a network stack such as TCP/IP; performance matches the raw DMA capability of the supported hardware.


For many system integrators – notably those implementing multiple serial switched fabrics in their system, or those using 3U VPX where PCI Express may be the only fabric option for data plane communication – this new GE software capability will prove invaluable.  Until now, customers wanting to take advantage of the inherent performance, scalability, flexibility and functionality of VPX and requiring PCI Express peer-to-peer connectivity as part of their solution, had little alternative but to create a custom solution, with a consequent reduction in productivity and with long term support implications as technology evolves.


“Time to market and managing costs are key concerns for the large majority of our customers, and this new software capability responds to those concerns,” said Peter Cavill, General Manager, Military & Aerospace Products at GE Intelligent Platforms.  “It provides a highly flexible connectivity solution and eases system integration while minimizing development time and cost. Moreover, it has an extended roadmap that will see it embracing a range of current and future hardware and software technologies, enabling our customers to secure a long term sustainable competitive advantage.”  


Peer-to-peer operation allows existing operational modes on, for example, VME or CompactPCI backplanes, to be transplanted to PCI Express-connected VPX implementations, making system migration more straightforward. PCI Express was designed primarily for architectures in which a single root node controls a number of peripheral end-points in a master/slave relationship: delivering peer-to-peer connectivity for PCI Express allows all cards in a system to participate equally in shared data activities, providing increased system flexibility and performance.


Initial solutions are available immediately on several GE VPX single board computers using VxWorks®; the roadmap encompasses Linux® support and a wider range of topologies and supported hardware.










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