


Leuze-劳易测 KRT 55传感器

Leuze-劳易测 KRT 55传感器


劳易测最新推出了KRT 55传感器,色标传感器家族的新亮点——市场独一无二的产品——其不锈钢外壳和可冲洗设计,使该产品非常适用于需要频繁冲洗的环境。


离散传感器 其它




 在包装和自动控制技术领域如打印码的识别等场合,使用色标传感器在当今已经十分普遍了。在该类产品应用中,劳易测最新推出了KRT 55传感器,色标传感器家族的新亮点——市场独一无二的产品——其不锈钢外壳和可冲洗设计,使该产品非常适用于需要频繁冲洗的环境。

KRT 55 – 适于需经常清洗的场合
坚固的不锈钢外壳和可冲洗设计,以及ECOLAB / CleanProof+认证,使得KRT 55在食品工业领域独领风骚。

Wherever food, beverages, pharmaceutical products or even cosmetics are manufactured, processed or packaged, hygienic design has become a central requirement for machines and systems.

Leuze electronic presents new, globally unique contrast scanners in WASH-DOWN design that withstand the increasingly necessary and more intensive cleaning and disinfection cycles.

In addition to the contrast scanners of the 3B series, Leuze electronic has, with the KRT 55 contrast scanners, developed a scalable housing technology. Its V4A stainless steel housing makes this technology particularly well suited for areas that are intensively cleaned and disinfected. The new sensors fulfill the requirements of ECOLAB, IP67, IP69K and also the CleanProof+ standard defined by Leuze. Here, Leuze electronic extends the test range by including additional substances, testing at increased temperatures.

With the KRT 55 contrast scanners, devices are available with two transmitter variants - RGB light and white light - that are characterized by extremely short response times of 50 µs and high repeatability. With regard to their configuration options, they also perform big. Here, IO-Link makes on-site configuration possible with unmatched simplicity and reproducibility. With the three teach processes: 2-point teach, static 1-point teach and dynamic 2-point teach, the optimum teach process is available for every type of machine use. Furthermore, the switching thresholds ascertained via teach-in can be changed during running operation with EasyTune. By means of this online switching-threshold correction, it is possible to quickly respond to changed process parameters without performing a new teach-in.

One special feature is YellowBoost, a form of yellow support developed by Leuze with which contrast detection of the white-light contrast scanner is optimized. Although this affects all wavelengths, the improvement of the signal deviation is strongest in the yellow-light range, hence the name of the function.

With IO-Link in combination with the EasyTune switching threshold correction and YellowBoost, Leuze electronic has implemented globally unique features in the unrivaled stainless steel contrast scanners.









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