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Wonderware  Device Integration Servers   工控软件

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Connectivity to your plant/facility devices is key to real-time information management. Wonderware maximizes your choices with the broadest possible communication options for industrial automation and information devices. In collaboration with more than 100 third-party interface developers, Wonderware provides the largest selection of connectivity options to hundreds of control systems such as PLCs, RTUs, DCSs, flow controllers, loop controllers, scales, gauges, bar code readers and other hardware devices. Wonderware has also fully embraced the openness of OPC technology, exposing data via OPC from our products as an OPC Client and also providing the means to connect to any third party OPC Server.

Wonderware makes device integration more maintainable by using Device Integration Objects (DI Objects) within the Wonderware System Platform for seamless connectivity to any data source. Wonderware also offers the DAServer Toolkit which empowers you to create your own connectivity server.