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In today’s challenging times, you need to drive more performance from your assets, collaborate better and generate more value from your existing automation systems.

Being the leader in Human Machine Interface (HMI) and Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) technology, the Wonderware brand represents the next step in industrial software design and management — Wonderware System Platform.

Wonderware System Platform acts as your “Industrial Operating System” by providing common services such as; visualization, configuration, deployment, communication, security, data connectivity, data storage and management, people collaboration, and many others. These services allow you to build a single, unified “Plant Model” that logically represents your processes, physical equipment and industrial systems, even legacy systems, making the design and maintenance of these systems more efficient, more flexible and with less risk. The Plant Model also gives essential context to your data, greatly assisting with diagnostics and troubleshooting, as well as providing valuable system documentation throughout the system lifecycle. The Plant Model is unique to the Wonderware System Platform.

The System Platform also provides a high-performance process historian with production history archiving and retrieval, along with an industrial web information server that dramatically simplifies the organization and delivery of operations information to all functions within your organization.

Whatever you do, Wonderware System Platform helps you do it BETTER, FASTER, SAFER, and CHEAPER.