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博世力士乐  IndraDrive Cs   运动控制

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IndraDrive Cs


功率范围从 100 瓦到 3.5 千瓦




The IndraDrive Cs offers new communications hardware with multi-protocol support which addresses today's increased need for open, seamless design.

The drives support SERCOS III, PROFINET IO, EtherNet/IP and EtherCat. Connectivity via these Ethernet-based interfaces is provided by software-configurable communications hardware. Alternatively IndraDrive Cs can also be equipped with a conventional communications interface, for example PROFIBUS. The Rexroth solution gives users maximum communications flexibility with minimum engineering effort.

These impressive features plus the new multi-encoder interface which supports all standard encoder types plus an additional option slot make the IndraDrive Cs the ideal choice for highly specialized drive applications. IEC-compliant motion logic and industry-specific technology function support a very wide range of applications.